With all the extra sleep, food, and stress, holidays can really sabotage your health. We’ve got a few ideas about how to stay healthy through the festivities.
If you’ve just gotten out of school, it’s tempting to stay up all night and sleep until noon. Resist the urge! As boring as it sounds to stick to a normal sleep schedule (of 7-9 hours, hopefully!), you’ll be more refreshed than if you snooze for 14 hours. Your body works on a cycle (circadian rhythm), so changing your sleep pattern actually makes you more tired, even when you’re getting more sleep than usual.
To get extra sleep within your normal schedule, try going to bed 30 minutes earlier and getting up 30 minutes later. And nap!
It’s easy to spend the holidays in a food coma on the couch, but getting active can be more fun! You don’t even have to work out (although you could). Instead, rope your family and friends into fun activities--backyard football, local iceskating, hunting, or even Wii Sports. The possibilities are practically endless. Even a little bit of movement will help your body process all the extra food you’re eating.
We’re not really going to say you have to eat healthy during the holidays--because who can resist holidays sweets and special dishes??--but you can do a few things to eat smarter.
Holiday breaks are a great time to schedule appointments! You don’t have to miss school and it’s easy to schedule follow-up appointments, if necessary. Schedule your ortho appointments, regular checkups, or other appointments during the holidays.
Holidays can be a fun time, especially if you take care of yourself. Stay healthy during the festivities this year!