Are Invisalign Attachments Noticeable? 5 Facts to Know!

By Appel Ortho Team
October 31, 2022
Dentist treating child in beach-themed office.

Not everyone who needs orthodontic treatment wants braces. Many of our adult and teenage patients are looking for something a little less noticeable. That’s why Appel Orthodontics offers Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. Clear aligners provide the same moving power as braces but with clear acrylic trays custom-molded to fit your teeth perfectly. They’re clear, so they’re harder to see than traditional braces. Invisalign lacks some of the attachments that make braces so visible, such as headgear. But they do have their own attachments that are designed to make your treatment as quick and efficient as possible. 

Patients are sometimes surprised that Invisalign has attachments, and they want to know what each type of attachment does and whether the Invisalign attachments are noticeable. Invisalign attachments serve several purposes. Let’s take a look at what these attachments will do for you.

Invisalign Attachments: What Are They?

What do we mean when we say “Invisalign attachments?” We’re talking about small, tooth-colored wedges bonded to the middle of a tooth. These wedges apply a little extra pressure to that area when the Invisalign trays are worn over them. So, for example, if you have a tooth that’s more crooked or sticks out further than the ones around it, these attachments will apply a little extra pressure to move it faster, so it ends up straight alongside the other teeth in the same amount of time. 

What are these little attachments? They are made of a composite resin or a dental bonding material. These attachments come in various shapes that apply different amounts of pressure to each tooth. Because of this, your Invisalign trays may fit more snugly, so it may take a little more effort to take them off. Be sure to apply pressure to both sides of the tray at the same time. This will keep the trays from getting warped or damaged. 

How noticeable are Invisalign attachments? We try to make them as least noticeable as possible. The attachments are small and are made to blend in with your teeth. Even with your Invisalign trays removed, the attachments will be hard to see. 

How Are Invisalign Attachments Used?

Invisalign attachments are bonded to your teeth in just the right place to provide just the right pressure to move the tooth the way we want. A bonding agent is used to attach them, and the bonding agent is strong enough to keep them in place throughout your treatment, though you may need to be careful eating hard or crunchy foods, so you don’t accidentally knock your attachment off. 

Keep in mind, not everyone needs or uses Invisalign attachments. Their need depends on the dental issues we are trying to repair. Will you need Invisalign attachments? That’s one of the things we will discuss with you prior to beginning your treatment! If we’re repairing several dental issues at once, such as crowded teeth and an overbite or high canines and a crossbite, chances are you will need attachments. 

Invisalign Buttons: What Are They?

Invisalign buttons are similar to attachments, but they are placed on the Invisalign trays rather than your teeth. These little round buttons are made to hold rubber bands, much like hooks on metal brackets hold rubber bands on braces. The rubber bands usually stretch from the front of the mouth to the back. They’re designed to apply a bit of extra pressure, either to move a particular tooth more or to help repair a crossbite. 

As with attachments, not every Invisalign patient uses buttons and elastics. It will depend on the severity of your dental issues and whether we feel we can correct them with Invisalign alone or if the attachments and buttons will be needed. We’ll let you know before we begin your Invisalign or Invisalign Teen treatment

Cleaning Your Invisalign Attachments

It’s always important to brush and floss regularly, but it’s especially important through orthodontic treatment, particularly with Invisalign attachments. That’s because a lack of good oral hygiene can cause demineralization in your enamel, the hard outer shell of your tooth. When that happens, it usually results in white spots on your teeth that will show up when the attachments are removed from your teeth. We don’t want that! 

Be sure to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time. Ideally, you need to brush after every meal before you put your Invisalign trays back into your mouth. Be sure to brush with good fluoride toothpaste, and brush well around your attachments. We recommend an electric toothbrush because the spinning or vibrating head tends to scrub away more plaque than a manual toothbrush. 

Your attachments are made to match your tooth and be stain-resistant, but poor oral hygiene could result in staining of the attachments. That will make them much more noticeable. 

Top Invisalign Treatment in Philadelphia, PA

Invisalign is a great alternative for patients who want a beautiful new smile without the noticeable look of metal braces. Appel Orthodontics is a Top 1% Invisalign Provider for the Philadelphia area. That means you can count on us to provide exceptional Invisalign and Invisalign Teen treatment, whether that includes attachments or not. To get started, request a consultation with us. It’s free, and you’re under no obligation to continue if you decide you’re not quite ready. If you are, we’ll work with you on a treatment plan as well as financing. Come in and talk to us. You may be surprised at the results you could get with Invisalign treatment!