What Causes High Canine Teeth?
How does someone get high canine teeth? Usually, this is caused by other dental issues, such as a narrow palate or teeth crowding. These problems can cause the other teeth to become crowded, leaving little to no room for the canines to come in where they’re supposed to be. Instead, they erupt above the gum line and sit higher than the other teeth.
When the teeth don’t erupt and drop into their proper position, that’s called ectopic teeth. Some people just have a delay in their erupting teeth. Impacted teeth refers to teeth that do come in at their normal time, but they can’t drop into their normal position because there’s something in the way — specifically other teeth. This is the more common issue with high canines, also called high cuspids.
If your other teeth erupt early, or if they just don’t have enough room to stay in their own space, you could end up with high canine teeth. Also, if the baby teeth don’t fall out before the permanent teeth come in, that could force the canines to come in too high.
Do High Canine Teeth Cause Problems?
Here’s the short answer: Yes. High canine teeth can cause several issues if they aren’t treated. High canine teeth may make you want to hide your smile. That’s the last thing we want to see! We want you to be proud to show off your smile.
But your high cuspid teeth can cause more than self-esteem problems. High canine teeth are caused by poor dental alignment, which means the other teeth have issues, as well. This means you could end up with biting and chewing problems. You could also end up with jaw pain from eating or even problems with grinding your teeth. That’s why it’s so important to get high canine teeth treatment with braces or Invisalign.
Can You Fix High Canine Teeth With Braces?
You can fix high canine teeth, along with the dental issues that cause your high canine teeth! Braces are a tried-and-true method for correcting high canine teeth and the issues that cause them, from crooked teeth and gapped teeth to malocclusions such as an open bite, deep bite, or overbite.
Treatment of high cuspids with braces can take, on average, 9 months to a year. Treatment may take a bit longer if you have other dental issues to fix, especially if you have severe dental issues, such as a deep bite or extremely overcrowded and crooked teeth.
Appel Orthodontics will be able to give you an estimate of your treatment time during your initial, free consultation. We can also let you know if braces or Invisalign treatment is possible, and you’ll be able to see the before and after on your high canine treatment!